Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Poor Neglected Little Blog

I have been so overwhelmed these past few months, I almost forgot about our family blog!

We are still here and hanging in there. We are awaiting the arrival of little Samson in June. Both Mary and William are thrilled about this. William shows his affection by kissing and hugging my belly. He says, "I love your baby" and "When your baby comes out...I'm gonna share my XYZ toy with him". So cute.

Mary is equally interested in the baby but, show's her love in totally different ways. She's very protective of me and my belly...especially if William starts kicking and jumping on me (as he frequently does). She is so interested and curious about the whole process. We are reading a book about what happens when mommy is pregnant. It talks about pregnancy, the uterus, the umbilical cord, etc. She enjoys reading and chatting with me about it all. We are thinking about the possibility of having her be there when the baby is born.

BTW - I probably should have previewed this book before reading it to her. There's a whole section on "how the baby is made". You know, sperm, egg, the whole deal. As I'm reading it, I'm really wishing I could stop the words from coming out...but, it was too late. You can imagine the questions that followed that! We are very open with them about such things, but not sure I was ready for that!

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Competition

I thought it was time that you met my competition. These are just a few of the lovely ladies I meet with once a month. We hang out, drink coffee, talk about our kids and yes, talk about photography! Each of these women are amazing photographers and have businesses that I admire. From left to right are, Keira Dubach (, Joni Streit (, Amanda Elpers ( and of course, me! Missing are Allie Bryan, Stacy Wasmuth, Erica Roberts, Leah Profancik and Casey Golden.

I am so thrilled to be a part of such a cool group of women. It is truly the highlight of my month!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mamaw's House

Our trip to Princeton was short but, eventful. After a long day of shooting for a wedding on Saturday, I drove back home to stay at my moms. The plan was to drive back to Indy on Sunday, but, I was too tired. Plus, I ended up taking William to the dr. there to be treated for a staff infection...another story.

On Sunday afternoon, we watched as the winds from hurricane Ike split this tree in my parents backyard in half. William was amazed and has not stopped talking about it since. He tells everyone we see (multiples times I might add!).

The kids always have so much fun there and never run out of things to do. They somehow manage to bring more toys and stuff home every time we visit though...not sure how that happens?? Like this random wig that my mom picked up for Mary at a garage sale! She just loves "blong" hair...her word for blonde and long!

Bath Tub Comparison

Look at my two babies! These were both taken at about the same can't even tell they are brother and sister. Mary looks so much like David, but acts like me and William looks like me, but acts like David!

Just some cute little things about these two and bathtubs...

Mary: Loved taking baths with me, she would want to nurse the whole time! We used to lay her on her back with just a little water in the tub and she would turn her head sideways and get a drink! She loves long hot baths and wants to always have a "certain" doll or pony in there with her.

William: Could not be layed on his back like Mary because he would kick and splash so hard, he would soak us. He was notorious for pooping in the tub. He loves putting color tablets in the water, but instead of letting them disolve, he likes to hold them in his hand - which leaves a nasty stain btw!

It is amazing how different these two are in every way...almost exact opposites!

Friday, September 12, 2008

So cute!!

I found these pictures from this past winter. I love them! I'm really bad about doing anything with the thousands of pictures I take. Mary was jammin to my workout mix...check her out trying to snap her fingers!

Monday, September 8, 2008

My office

My mom keeps bugging me about seeing my new space, so I took this picture with my phone this morning. It is just so great, cuz when I sync my phone, it automatically brings in the new pictures! Have I mentioned how much I love this phone?

Seriously, I love having my own space. I feel like this has really helped in so many ways.

1. I now have to get dressed each day. (This is a real plus for the fedex guy, my kids, the babysitter, etc...) Though, I do miss being able to work all day in my pajamas!

2. I am much more productive with my time. I am not constantly distracted by the phone, random people stopping by to ask if they can mow our lawn, the television, the children, the laundry, etc, etc.

3. I can leave my work here when it's time to go home. This is such an important separation. I find that when I worked from home, I would be constantly checking my email or staying up and working after the kids went to bed. This was convenient for David because he could stay up and play WOW (World of Warcraft, a whole nother topic!) but, not super great for our relationship as we were not spending any time together.

4. I love, love, love, coming to work to a clean, beautiful space! It's just the way I want it to be. I don't have to check with anyone about what colors I choose to paint or what I put on the walls (yes ladies, David does care about these things!). I don't have to be constantly picking up toys or cleaning little fingerprints off of everything! It's my own little haven.

If you haven't seen the new place, feel free to stop by and visit! I'm usually here mon-fri 9-3 (unless I have a session).

Random stuff

More cute pictures of the kids. I promise I have a ton of pictures from my point and shoot soon! For now, more from the iphone! It does a fairly decent job, except in low light situations. Doesn't matter, I"m still in love with it!